
x2-11x+28=0 : Diving Deep into Quadratic Equations


Equations help to make clear the relationships between a large variety of variables, which makes them crucial to the study of mathematics. Both mathematicians and amateurs have been captivated by the intriguing equation x2+(y-3−x2)2=1. The objective of this essay is to explain this strange equation and discuss its applications, graphical representation, solution, and significance to contemporary mathematics.

Known About Quadratic Equation

We must first understand what a quadratic equation is in order to set off on this quest. A second degree polynomial equation with the squared variable as its characteristic is called a quadratic equation. We get a quadratic equation, also known as a second degree polynomial problem, when we solve for x. It is usually expressed as follows: ax2 + bx + c = 0. The equation x2-11x+28=0 gives us:

a = 1

b = -11

c = 28

Factoring the Quadratic Equation

Factoring is one way to solve quadratic problems. The objective is to factor the equation x2-11x+28=0 into two binomials that multiply to get the original equation. We are searching for two values that sum up to the middle term’s coefficient -11 and multiply to the constant term 28. With these values, we can now rewrite the equation:

  1. Solving for x

The equation may now be divided into two parts:

  • x – 7 = 0
  • x – 4 = 0
  • Solving Equation: x-7=0

Add 7 to both sides to isolate x:


  • Solving Equation: x–4=0

Add 4 to both sides to isolate x:


Roots of the Quadratic Equation

Once you get the value from the equation then will put the value in the equation.

x = 7

x = 4

The quadratic equation x2-11x+28=0 has roots or solutions represented by these numbers. Stated otherwise, the following will be true if we replace these values back into the original equation:

For x = 7:

7² – 11(7) + 28 = 49 – 77 + 28 = 0

For x = 4:

4² – 11(4) + 28 = 16 – 44 + 28 = 0

The roots of the quadratic equation are both values of x, which fulfill the equation.

Graphical Representation

Thе еquation x2-11x+28=0 can be visually hеrе.

  • Plotting the equation: By graphing the equation x2-11x+28=0, we may observe its shape and characteristics. An ellipse with certain characteristics is produced when the plotting equation is applied on a coordinate plane.
  • Examining the graph: The x2-11x+28=0 graph contains significant information about the equation. The coefficients of x2 and y2 may be used to find the major and minor axes of the Ellipse, and its centroid is located at (0 and 0). Due to the squared terms and the graph, symmetry is also visible along the x and y axes.

Applications of thе Equation

Given below are the list of the application that are used in the world are:-

  • Situations in real life: x2-11x+28=0 can be helpful in a range of real-world situations. It is exclusively employed in astronomy to model potential changes in celestial body orbits under particular gravitational conditions.
  • Applications in science: Many physical events involving curved trajectories or forms in physics and engineering may be explained using this formula.

Mathеmatical Concеpts

Given below are the list of the application used in the mathematical concept are:

  • Quadratic formulas: The formula x2-11x+28=0 The variable’s maximum power is two in this class of quadratic equations.
  • Radical extensions: The problem gets more complex because of the radical extensions of 3.2x, necessitating a more specialized approach to solution.

In conclusion

The equation x2-11x+28=0 is a quadratic has been resolved, and its basis has been established. The following are the responses:

  • x = 7
  • x = 4

The locations where the graph of the quadratic equation touches the x-axis and the equation is true are shown by these values of x. The ability to solve quadratic equations is a fundamental algebraic skill that is useful in many areas of mathematics, science, engineering, and other fields. To solve issues in these domains, one must grasp the approaches and solutions for these sorts of equations.

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